Current Child Count

  • HOGAR DE AMOR I: 11 babies
  • HOGAR DE AMOR II: 6 boys
  • HOGAR DE AMOR III: 8 girls

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gabriel Update

Gabriel continues to improve and is practically himself to see those spots falling off!

Tonight when I got back from my family's at 11 something, he was coughing and congested so I fed him then propped up his crib mattress at a slant and he went back to sleep. That yucky pneumonia. Although it hasn't gotten as bad as I feared, as far as coughing up stuff.

What a difference from a week ago tonight when he struggled so hard the entire night! That was so difficult...

But that's not why I'm writing this at 1am in the morning. First of all, he got a cute new hair cut this afternoon, courtesy of Tia Rosi! Isn't he handsome? (He was smiling and cooing at me, but the camera delay was making it difficult to capture that, and I was too busy playing with him anyway.)

And secondly, PLEASE PRAY for Gabriel's future! I know, I know, he's barely 4 1/2 months old, but there is some praying and fasting going on for him right now and it could be really good news but God MUST be in it. May His will be done in this baby boy's life. He was rescued at birth and then spared from this vicious virus for a reason!

God has plans for this little guy and we can't wait to watch them unfold and witness him bless many people. =)

That was the bright spot of the day. On other other hand....the staff and I can still use a ton of prayer support. Today I felt like I was walking through a very fiery test as we had the first staff meeting of the Baby Home since Gabriela's passing and the whole chicken pox/health crisis. The staff left me more than a little confused about their reaction to all of this and how we can move forward intact, with good relationships, no guilt, and a strong desire to improve and learn from any mistakes. We are all shaken, hurting, and a bunch of emotional women, so I guess bumps in the road are to be expected, but it just seems like too much after all we've already been through the past week. The verse "When you walk through the fire, I will be there...." was on my mind a lot today.

1 comment:

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Super handsome!!!!

I'll still be praying...