Current Child Count

  • HOGAR DE AMOR I: 11 babies
  • HOGAR DE AMOR II: 6 boys
  • HOGAR DE AMOR III: 8 girls

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My day...

My day yesterday, which included a bit of everything...

  • Made more progress on our very-soon-to-be-launched CDA child sponsorship program!

  • Had a long meeting with a missionary and a volunteer about adding on a new room to the Baby Home!

  • Went back and forth several times with Rachel (volunteer Sarah’s sister) as she designed our new blog button! (see at right)

  • Set up a time to talk to an organization here about CDA becoming equipped to work with foster families!!

  • (Sorry for all the !!! but seriously, all of this stuff IS super exciting!!)

  • Replied to several emails, including a Bolivian-American who has never visited Bolivia but would like to support our ministry in some way

  • Had two visitors, a Bolivian and a Norwegian, who work with the street population in our city. They came to visit one little girl but recognized half of our house! So we had a long unexpected but welcome chat about our newest 5 off the street, the situations that destroyed their families, how they were treated by their parents, the police, etc. By the end, I was for the millionth time grateful that we are able to step in and make a difference in these kids lives, sowing into them for good. It was crushing to hear how some were treated by their parents, being yelled at, humiliated, deprived the basics, the extreme preferences between siblings, used as human shields against police brutality—basically, abused in every way. But it is not easy to judge the parents, also victims of the vicious cycles of abuse and addictions. In one case for example, we learned that the mother has roamed the streets since she was 9 due to her broken family situation.

  • Had a team of medical volunteers visit the Baby Home; took three of them to visit the kids at CDA II (a doctor, nurse, and EMT!)

  • Took S. and Twins E & E along for entertainment, and all played well at CDA II

  • At CDA II examined Jhoselin’s broken glasses... This time, they're pretty broken!

  • Stopped by the grocery store quickly with two volunteers, S. (4 years), and E & E (16 months) to pick up a few ingredients for volunteer fellowship evening snacks. (Bonus: they had what we needed, and enough of it!)

  • Picked up pre-op lab results for a child

  • Evening volunteer fellowship time at III. The last time we had three instruments, tonight a single guitar but hey, beats the alternative!

  • Ferried volunteers back to four locations before driving back to the Baby Home at 11 something... Interesting conversations about the ridiculous number of terrifying speed bumps here and wrecks involving animals and pets. (?)

  • Talked to Mom and sister Emma on the phone for a quick catch-up before ending the very long, full, good day.

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