Current Child Count

  • HOGAR DE AMOR I: 11 babies
  • HOGAR DE AMOR II: 6 boys
  • HOGAR DE AMOR III: 8 girls

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Inspired {true stories from a far place}

After having a Russia week, I guess this is Africa week. Welcome to "around the world" on Jennifer's blog...!

But I digress.

A month or two ago, this recurring theme began of a girl named Katie with children in Africa. People were sending me the link to her blog, commenting about her here, and writing about her on their blogs (I think the first time I heard of her was here although I've been embarrassed by the side-by-side praise with Katie!)

When I had a chance I went to see what everyone was talking about and WOW. Words fail me! I was so moved. What she is doing, taking children under her wing and being mother to those to have none and serving and pouring out her life an's incredibly inspiring. Besides that, Katie has a real gift for communication and sharing the need in a powerful, honest way. I hope to learn from her as I continue reading her blog.

I also LOVE that she is "just" 20 years old. I started this when I was 20, relocating here when I was 22, and it was absolutely the best time of my life. To have a passion and get to throw your entire self into it while single, it's a special gift.

Want to read more? Go to Katie's blog, scroll down to the post on August 14 , and be prepared to be blown away. There she shares the beginnings of her ministry. I’ve seen other mothers write on their blogs about Katie and encourage parents to let their children GO. Amen! Don’t hold them back! My parents didn’t for a minute – even though they wish they had when the challenges threaten to overwhelm me – but I am eternally grateful they did not.

(Digressing again: I wanted to write another post after the one here, dreams, passions, longings, but never did. What a warm response! It was also great to see the ripple effect of other posts on the same subject, namely how God sometimes leads us just as we dreamed as a child…and sometimes not. We single gals need to uphold one another and truly need “mothers in the faith” to encourage us in our journeys and ministries!)

This is another absolutely heart rending, convicting post by Katie: Amazima: The Truth.

We live in a world of unimaginable heartache and loss, sickness and pain, but also a world of hope, love, mercy, and passionate people who are making a difference right where they are, one hurting person at a time.

Let's be God's hands and feet in our corner of the world today! Consider if He's calling you to do more.

Not because we have to, but because He gave His all first.

One of my favorite songs ever about a little girl in Rwanda.

Now that I have seen, I am responsible
Faith without deeds is dead

(I just might have gotten more than one volunteer and more than one sister hooked on Brooke Fraser, but couldn't rightly say....)


Laurel said...

No need to be embarrassed by the side-by-side praise with Katie. You're right up there with her in my book. Just yesterday, I commented on my eldest daughter's blog, and told her to "go live like ... Katie in Uganda or Jennifer in Bolivia". Yep ... I did.

You are an wonderful role model for other young ladies who desire to serve the Lord with ALL of their hearts/lives.



PS: Got the gifts! Thanks MUCH! What fun!

@ngie said...

Katie's life challenges me. Your life, Jennifer, inspires me. Keep up the good work.

Holly said...

Jennifer, you are a wonderful inspiration to me and to my family. My oldest three children read your blog every time you post, and have for quite some time.

Very simply - you have listened and obeyed what God asked of you. I'm so thrilled that I happened across your blog months ago. We love you, and we pray for you and your little sweet hearts!


Unknown said...


I just hope that Teresa and I have the courage to let our children go and be whatever God wants them to be. You and your parents are wonderful role models.
