Current Child Count

  • HOGAR DE AMOR I: 11 babies
  • HOGAR DE AMOR II: 6 boys
  • HOGAR DE AMOR III: 8 girls

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Casa de Amor Christmas, Part I

Some pictures from our lovely Christmas celebration in the Baby Home on December 23. Looking at the pictures again, I'm ready for it to be Christmas again. :)
The prep before the pictures and gifts...

A few of the "santas" present on this day

Preparing the dining room...

Changing clothes!

Hair done!

Bottle time BEFORE pictures and gifts...a lesson learned from years past ;)

Baby A striking a pose

Ah-HA! Caught in the act. Little O loves stealing bottles.

The shuffle before one of the better pictures...

All part of the picture torture fun...!

Baby E went straight for the gifts!

Anxious anticipation... (the twin boys came back to join us for the special day, as well as Esteban, now Tia Maria's son)

With some of us tias

Gift time!! This is the 3rd year that we are so blessed at Casa de Amor by individual, local sponsors of our kids who really go above and beyond to make Christmas special for our kids. (Doctors, lawyers, pastors, friends from church, CDA adoptive parents, etc.) This year there were even lots of sweet notes attached to the wrapped packages.

Ready to go!
Baby G checking out his gifts

J. was very happy (and protective of) his army truck

M. N. on a new riding toy, yay!

Babies checking out all the new toys...

Frog attack?! Baby C's gift was an impressively large FROG...


Baby G enjoying his first Christmas! (also known as Baby Jesus/Santa Claus)

Little boy J. enjoying a "salta salta" (jumping toy) from a local church!
At this point, houses 2 & 3 descended upon us, as well as yet MORE gifts and special visitors... Another Christmas post soon!

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