Current Child Count

  • HOGAR DE AMOR I: 11 babies
  • HOGAR DE AMOR II: 6 boys
  • HOGAR DE AMOR III: 8 girls

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

what a meeting!

Now that I'm posting this, I'm thinking....uh, probably people could care less about our meetings. They want pics of the kids. Well today you're getting a picture of a meeting!

After a couple hours of work in the office this morning, we then moved to a quiet CDA II (all the kids were out) for a reunion de planificacion.

I met with Rosa (administrator, social worker) and David (accountant, administrative assistant, resident handyman, etc.) for 3 1/2 hours as we poured over the numbers from 2009 and set our budget for 2010. Good stuff! Numbers aren't normally my favorite, but it was really good to sit down and focus without distractions. It was also interesting to study our averages over the year. I was glad that I took so much time to prepare myself beforehand!

Then Maria (who does everything from social work to health to pastoring) joined us and we had a lovely lunch (thanks for your help, Elena and Savannah!) then continued on for 4 1/2 more hours.

I should have recorded the summary each gave of 2009, as a brief evaluation. In spite of it being our most difficult year thus far, again their passion for what they do shone through. To hear how each is moving on and looking upwards was a great encouragement.

Then we launched into talking through ten areas, including topics for staff seminars, upcoming staff and schedule changes, responsibilities in the area of health, education, and reviewing the 2009 evaluation sheets from each staff member.

We left tired, but a good sort of tired after a very productive day. It doesn't hurt that we all really enjoy being together as well! As I've said before, seriously, I am so grateful for my office team. How blessed I am to have not one but THREE right arms to carry out this work the Lord has given me!

And, just in case you were worried, we most definitely have a full 12 months worth of work ahead of us. =)

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