Current Child Count

  • HOGAR DE AMOR I: 11 babies
  • HOGAR DE AMOR II: 6 boys
  • HOGAR DE AMOR III: 8 girls

Sunday, October 18, 2009

and the kids?

My sister Heather wisely pointed out that perhaps my blog readers would be worried for the children. Who will care for them while you’re
gone?! you may ask. So, just to clarify...

Really, I don't mean to lead anyone astray by the blog, but quite simply the details of my office work wouldn't attract many readers!

The never-ending parade of emails, phone calls to make and receive, meetings with staff members or family members or lawyers or visitors, spending hours writing and editing the next Casa de Amor update email or newsletter, transferring money from the US to Bolivia, signing papers and letters, updating financial reports, reviewing volunteer applications, going downtown to sign papers or meet with lawyers......not always a lot of fun photo opportunities!

While I'm overseeing everything going on in our third floor Baby Home office, visiting the other two homes, and running around Cochabamba, a team of dedicated caregivers and volunteers are...

...feeding the crew, preparing the food, making bottles, changing diapers, keeping the kids (and babies) on a schedule, keeping the washers running, hanging the clothes and diapers to dry, loving and hugging on kids, teaching colors and numbers and helping with homework, kissing away little hurts.....and WAY way more.

I always say I live in the Baby Home because otherwise, I wouldn't have a chance to see the babies! Evenings and weekends (or "wearing" a baby while I work) are my best time to catch moments with them and get in touch with how everyone is doing.

So, not to fear! Our 42 children ages 1 month - 13 years are in great hands while I'm away. All I'm worried about is missing them way too much ...and not recognizing them when I'm back!!

One of my favorite CDA staff pictures, from July 2007

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