Current Child Count

  • HOGAR DE AMOR I: 11 babies
  • HOGAR DE AMOR II: 6 boys
  • HOGAR DE AMOR III: 8 girls

Friday, March 6, 2009

New Paint

What about this, "thistle"...

or "daffodil" yellow...

This team of teachers and graduates from a private school in Canada re-painted the three baby bedrooms at CDA I in just a few hours. Some helped with babies while the others cleaned walls, painted, and cleaned/repaired/rehung curtains! (Didn't take a picture of the "clear sky" room because it's basically the same as before.)

They did a great job!

And we appreciate the two suitcases full of useful donations: socks, shoes, toothbrushes, meds, vitamins, puzzles, shampoo...

New Child A's first smile on camera (he had arrived just a few hours earlier)

If any of the team reads this, muchas gracias!

It feels like we're in a new house when we're in the bedrooms.

Now maybe the team that comes in May can tackle the high traffic areas and playroom. There's always enough for all!


David B. Beaver said...

Looks like the Canadians did a beautiful job :)

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Beautiful! Can't wait to see it in person (in approx. 94 days! yes I'm counting!)

So where do groups like this stay???

Do you like having groups like this come even if it is just for a week?